Sunday, March 28, 2010

Naomi Oreskes

Naomi Oreskes, Professor of History and Science Studies at the University of California San Diego is about to release her book Merchants of Doubt.

She published a literature survey of peer-reviewed scientific papers on global climate change in the Science Journal, Dec 2004. From that she tells that she got a huge amount of hate mail and threats. Instead of being intimidated she, as a historian, instead took this as raw material and began investigating what's behind this wingnuttery. I do think the deniers now regret this.

Naomi Oreskes discusses her new book "Merchants Of Doubt" 4:00 minute youtube

If you haven't caught her before - or you would like a review of the history of science regarding climate change potential via CO2 - she does this in the first 1/2 of this video at the University of California TV (58 minutes, Dec2007) - the 2nd half being the manufacture of "scientific debate".
(Tim Lambert has a chapter list here and discussion of the video)

She now has a later video (1hour13min, Mar2010) discussing her book, also doing a quick review of the history. Watch the latter if you're time constrained but both are very good.

I'm looking forward to getting a copy of her book.

(Tim Lambert had also covered the last video)
(Bloomsbury Press : Merchants of Doubt)


DaveMcRae said...

Video of talk given to Uni of WA, Nov2010

Audio of another talk with ABC's Richard Fiddler's Conversations, May 2011

(Apologies - I can't seem to make a link in a reply)

DaveMcRae said...

Video of talk given to Uni of WA, Nov2010

Audio of another talk with ABC's Richard Fiddler's Conversations, May 2011

Mmm bugger - got links working but comments must be done on separate page - can't do anchor tags in quick comments at bottom of thread sadly.

images pictures said...

nice info bro

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Fazi kha said...

Amazing techniques man

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